American football! Big girls rugby.
That’s right. That’s all it is. Big pansy’s in there Armour running about playing a dulled down version of Rugby.
Yet another failure of an American sport that doesn’t hold up with the rest of the world. Why? Because it’s for wimps, it’s for girls it’s for fags that don’t want to get roughed up a bit.
I saw my first American football game a week or so ago while in a Bar, it was being shown on there TV sets my opinion on it? Boring. What the hell is the big fascination? It seriously lasts about five seconds before they blow the whistle and start all over again.
That’s ALL it is. You start, two sides smash heads like a bunch of mentally retarded chimps, the ref blows on the whistle they repeat until, i presume there all brain dead and cannot carry on (i never caught the end, i fell asleep.) it’s just incredibly dull.
But my biggest issue. My complaint that I’ve had over the years is the fact they wear that body armour.
Now I’ve heard two excuses used the most when it comes to this:
1) It’s a lot more violent than rugby so they need it.
Lol, i actually brought this for awhile till i saw the game. And i can say now, that no, it isn’t.
Watch i’ll prove it:
Rugby. Take note of there clothes for a start, see how messed up they tend to be? Doesn’t look to easy to me. See the blood on a couple of those guys? That’s fairly common. SEE how even when they get slammed the ref doesn’t try to stop it, we don’t stop every 5 seconds cause the big babies got his shorts dirty.
HELL see what there doing at the start? That’s known as a war dance. They do that to psych out the other team, it’s supposed to scare them oh yes, we don’t have no pansy cheeleaders, we don’t need some blond headed moron prancing about shouting stupid shit to make them feel like men, they flex there muscles and scream taunts at the other team they WANT them pissed off and spooked. Cause they’ve got something American football players don’t have - Balls.
An american football game lasts 60 minutes. A rugby game lasts 80. Pussy’s can’t even last the long haul.
Now heres an American football version:
Yeah, i don’t see anymore violence going on in that one than there is for Rugby. The difference? Rugby lasts longer, and rugby players have no pussy armour protecting them. Seriously look at them, they look fucking stupid with that big upper body armour on, take it the fuck off and play like a man you bunch of pussys.
American football has teams made up of 11 wimps in armour. Rugby has teams made up of 15. Pussy’s.
The second point i hear?
2) American football players are bigger so they need the protection.
What the fuck? Honestly if your playing against people bigger than you i could get it but there all big guys it wont make a fucking difference you idiot.
Not only that American football players really AREN’T that big. They just fucking look it due to those ridiculesly over protective top armour things they wear (i will keep calling it armour cause i cba to find out the real name) if you get the chance to check there twig arms that MOST of them have you’ll see there nothing but a wimp.
I could seriously go on and on about this, because it is such a pussy sport they wear that shit and for god knows what reason think there the big tough men, fuck that come try Rugby you’d be crying before the game ended.
But I’ll end with one question - Of all the body armour you American football players have to wear why on earth do you wear a cup? It’s clear you’ve got no dick, it’s clear you’ve got no balls.
Still not convinced about rugby? Then allow me to push it over the edge, theres two types of rugby. The one in the video is the better known one. Theres another version where the rules are A LOT more slack, it’s a lot more rough and because of that, the safer option has become the standard.
I can think of no better way to describe American football than claiming there nothing but a bunch of big hairy Dykes running about wishing they was men. You know the type i mean, there’s always a dominate one in a gay relationship, there’s always the one that takes on the role of the man and is all big and butch. Yeah, that’s American football summed up.